Dealing with Anxiety: My Story

Anxiety is a powerful metal illness that can take control of our minds and control the way we think. Most people who deal with the mental illness can say that it messes up the way they feel and changes the way they go with their day. For instance, anxiety can find a way to make us feel horrible, almost like a sick feeling. And it is not pleasant at all.  It almost feels like we are trapped inside a horrible nightmare and we can't get out. And to make it even worse, we find it difficult to calm ourselves down. The reason why I write to you about this is because I myself suffer from anxiety.

I've always suffered from anxiety, but not like this before. I was able to control my feelings, now I can't.

This truly started a while ago when I would get severe anxiety and panic attacks everyday. I didn't know what it was before, but I knew that it was something serious. I would suddenly feel sick to my stomach, nauseous, headache, body aches, lightheaded, etc. I could feel my heart beating so fast and loud that I thought everyone would hear it. And then came the hot flashes, shortness of breath, and the feeling of passing out. It felt like this forever. But then it would go away. It came to the point where I went to the doctor to find out what was wrong. "You are perfectly healthy," he said. I even went to get a blood test, hoping something would come up so I would feel better that I knew what was happening to me. "Nothing is showing up. You are fine" are the words that everyone would say. The truth was, I knew something wasn't right. Everyone kept saying that I was fine, but I didn't feel fine. It made me frustrated that know one would understand what I was going through.

I came to realize that I had anxiety. And I needed help. I wanted to be back to my own self again. I wanted to feel good. I met with a therapist who is helping to to teach myself how to calm down. And I am currently meeting with her. I'm learning how to control my feelings and that this mental illness can't control me. With my trust in God, my techniques, and my supporters, I working on helping myself to get back to normal. It has been quite a journey to get where I am today, but I'm trying my best.

Now don't get me wrong, some days are better than others, but it's truly a blessing to help me get back on my feet.

I've learned that my anxiety cannot control me and that I am being put through this for a reason. God's reason.

Please feel free to comment any of your experiences that you had with anxiety:) Love you all.


  1. I am so sorry you are going through this - you are doing amazing!! I had something very similar, I had awful health anxiety and didn't understand how everyone else thought I was fine >< it is absolutely awful! I really hope you feel better soon, good luck with your therapist, I had some CBT for about a year and it really helped :D I still have bad spots with it though! I am here to talk anytime if you like! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (PS I’d love to invite you to come and win a lovely bundle of Disney goodies and I’m following back on bloglovin too :D)

    1. Thank you for your feedback:) it makes me feel better that I’m not the only one dealing with this


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